
The outline of our policies in each of our areas.

Quality Policies


Our basic stance is,
We are always looking at the future needs of our customers.
We always look at the future needs of our customers,
and create products based on new ideas and our unique technological development capabilities,
The spirit of “USER-ORIENTED” is
This spirit is carried through all of our business processes.

Environmental Policy

Environmental Principles

Recognizing that protection of the global environment is the most important task common to humankind in every field of our business activities, NIKKAN INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. aggressively contributes to protecting the global environment while giving extra consideration to environmental protection in all spheres of corporate activities of the NIKKAN INDUSTRIES Group.

Basic principles

  1. Promote the prevention of environmental pollution and continuously improve the environmental management system.
  2. Position our efforts for environmental protection as the most important task for the management, and promote it through uniform cooperation among the management and all employees.
  3. Promote the establishment of organizations and environment-related rules in order to efficiently and continuously perform the task.
  4. Promote awareness of the finite nature of the global environment, and work on the promotion of energy saving, resource saving and recycling and reduction of waste.
  5. Do not use substances that place a heavy burden on the environment. Promote switching from substances placing a burden on the environment to alternative substances whenever technologically and economically possible.
  6. Comply with environmental regulations and other environmental consideration clauses agreed with related organizations.
  7. Formulate environmental objectives and goals to act systematically, and voluntarily review the activities to promote continual improvement.
  8. Provide employee education and conduct public relations activities in order to increase awareness about environmental issues, and familiarize related affiliates and partner companies with the environmental policy to ask for their understanding and cooperation.
  9. Realize and maintain this policy, and keep all employees informed of the policy.
  10. Make this environmental policy available to the public as requested.

Nikkan Industries Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, President Masanori Kojima

Management Policy for Chemical Substances Contained in Products

  1. Control chemical substances contained in products and chemical substances used in the process in accordance with the Regulations for Control of Chemical Substances Contained in Products.
  2. Continuously review management standards, identify banned substances and other substances whose use must be restricted, and conduct risk management in accordance with relevant domestic and foreign laws and regulations, relevant industry standards, and customer requirements.
  3. Conduct R&D and design with consideration to minimize the environmental impact of our products, and promote the reduction and replacement of environmentally hazardous substances contained in our products to the extent technologically/economically feasibility.
  4. Disclose information on chemical substances contained in products and our management status as much as possible upon customer request.
  5. To make this policy known to all employees and raise awareness throughout the group by providing education on chemical substance management.
  6. This Chemical Substance Management Policy will be made available to the public upon request.

Responsible Mineral Procurement Policy

The Nikkan Group will use mineral procurement tools (CMRT, EMRT, etc.) to conduct investigations in order not to be complicit in human rights abuses, labor problems, and environmental destruction.

Information Security Policy

Nikkan Industries has established the “Information Security Basic Policy” to manage and protect the information assets held by the company, and strives to ensure information security systematically and continuously.

  1. Information Security Management System
    Establish an Information Security Committee and build a system to protect and properly manage information assets.
  2. Compliance with laws and regulations
    Comply with all laws, regulations, and contractual obligations related to information security
  3. Implementation of Continuous Improvement
    Periodically review information security measures and strive to continuously improve and maintain them.
  4. Information security education
    Provide security education to all employees to ensure that they are familiar with and thoroughly understand information security.
  5. Implementation of information security measures
    We will implement systemic information security measures such as anti-virus software. In the unlikely event of an outbreak, we will strive to minimize damage and promptly investigate the cause.

Nikkan Industries Co., Ltd.
Representative Director, President Masanori Kojima